Airfield weather

Berezkino airfield named after Chkalov (UNTR)
UNTR 190824Z AUTO 07003MPS //// 27/12 Q1011 RMK QFE747
AUTOTAF.ME UNTR 221700Z 2218/2303 27003MPS 5000 BR BKN015 TX00/2218Z TNM01/2220Z
FM221900 VRB02MPS 9999 BKN025
BECMG 2301/2302 BR
FM230300 VRB02MPS 2500 BR BKN015
Wind direction: °M
Wind speed: m/s
Temperature: °C
Dew point: °C
No rain mm/hr
Relative humidity: %
QNH: hPa ( mmHg)
QFE: 996.7 hPa (747.6 mmHg)
Headwind component: 1.3 m/s
Crosswind component: m/s
Attention! This information is provided for information only, and it is NOT an official weather report for Berezkino Airfield. When preparing for a flight, you must obtain information from official sources only. Weather parameters are automatically transmitted from a weather station installed at the airfield. The generated METAR code is based on received data and indicates average wind parameters for the last ten minutes preceding the moment the information is displayed. Surface wind direction and speed are reported in the METAR code at intervals of 10° relative to the true meridian and 1 m/s, respectively. There is no information about visibility, cloud coverage and base. Weather phenomena contains only the data about thunderstorms, rain and its intencity. Rain intensity, thunderstorm activity and pressure values may contain errors. The arrows “➘ ➙ ➚” located next to the parameter show the trend of this parameter over the past hour. Sunrise and sunset times are based on data from TAF forecast is received from